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세계대학랭킹 - 세계대학순위 1~100






오늘은 2014년도 세계대학랭킹에 대해 알아보도록 하겠습니다~


얼마 전 각 매체들이 우리나라의 서울대학교가 44위에 올랐다며

유학기관 IDP에듀케이션과 영국의 대학평가기관 THE(Times Higher Education)가

공동 발표한 자료를 바탕으로 일제히 보도했습니다.


그런데, 구글 사이트에서 검색해보니

영국의 대학평가기관 THE(Times Higher Education)가 단독 보도한

세계대학순위100과는 순위가 조금 다르네요~


아래 세계대학랭킹100은

영국의 대학평가기관 THE(Times Higher Education)에서

2014년 3월 6일 발표한 내용입니다^^



World's top 100 universities 2014




Institution name

THE WRR 2014

THE WRR 2013    

Country / Region

Harvard University 1.00 1 US
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2.00 2 US
Stanford University 3.00 6 US
University of Cambridge 4.00 3 UK
University of Oxford 5.00 4 UK
University of California, Berkeley 6.00 5 US
Princeton University 7.00 7 US
Yale University 8.00 10 US
California Institute of Technology 9.00 11 US
University of California, Los Angeles 10.00 8 US
University of Tokyo 11.00 9 Japan
Columbia University 12.00 13 US
Imperial College London 13.00 14 UK
University of Chicago 14.00 14 US
University of Michigan 15.00 12 US
ETH Zürich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich 16.00 20 Switzerland
Cornell University 17.00 17 US
Johns Hopkins University 18.00 19 US
Kyoto University 19.00 23 Japan
University of Toronto 20.00 16 Canada
National University of Singapore 21.00 22 Singapore
University of Pennsylvania 22.00 18 US
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 23.00 24 US
London School of Economics and Political Science 24.00 25 UK
University College London 25.00 20 UK
Seoul National University 26.00 41 South Korea
New York University 27.00 29 US
University of Wisconsin-Madison 28.00 30 US
Carnegie Mellon University 29.00 26 US
Duke University 30.00 31 US
University of Washington 31.00 27 US
University of California, San Francisco 32.00 40 US
University of British Columbia 33.00 31 Canada
McGill University 33.00 31 Canada
University of Texas at Austin 33.00 27 US
Tsinghua University 36.00 35 China
Northwestern University 37.00 37 US
Georgia Institute of Technology 38.00 38 US
Pennsylvania State University 39.00 51-60 US
University of California, San Diego 40.00 34 US
Peking University 41.00 45 China
Delft University of Technology 42.00 51-60 Netherlands
University of Hong Kong 43.00 36 Hong Kong
King's College London 43.00 61-70 UK
University of Melbourne 43.00 39 Australia
University of Edinburgh 46.00 46 UK
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 46.00 44 Germany
Purdue University 48.00 50 US
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 49.00 51-60 Switzerland
Osaka University 50.00 51-60 Japan
University of California, Davis 51-60 48 US
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 51-60 61-70 Hong Kong
Karolinska Institute 51-60 61-70 Sweden
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 51-60 61-70 South Korea
University of Manchester 51-60 47 UK
University of Minnesota 51-60 51-60 US
Lomonosov Moscow State University 51-60 50 Russian Federation
Ohio State University 51-60 51-60 US
National Taiwan University 51-60 51-60 Taiwan
Tokyo Institute of Technology 51-60 61-70 Japan
Australian National University 61-70 42 Australia
University of California, Santa Barbara 61-70 51-60 US
University of Massachusetts 61-70 42 US
Michigan State University 61-70 71-80 US
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 61-70 51-60 US
Universität Heidelberg 61-70 71-80 Germany
University of Southern California 61-70 61-70 US
University of Sydney 61-70 49 Australia
Technische Universität München 61-70 61-70 Germany
Tohoku University 61-70 61-70 Japan
University of Amsterdam 71-80 81-90 Netherlands
Boston University 71-80 81-90 US
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 71-80 71-80 Germany
Indiana University 71-80 - US
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 71-80 71-80 Belgium
Middle East Technical University 71-80 51-60 Turkey
Université Paris-Sorbonne 71-80 71-80 France
University of Pittsburgh 71-80 71-80 US
Texas A&M University 71-80 91-100 US
Washington University in St Louis 71-80 81-90 US
Brown University 81-90 81-90 US
Chinese University of Hong Kong 81-90 81-90 Hong Kong
Freie Universität Berlin 81-90 91-100 Germany
Leiden University 81-90 61-70 Netherlands
University of Maryland, College Park 81-90 91-100 US
Mayo Medical School 81-90 - US
University of Queensland 81-90 71-80 Australia
University of São Paulo 81-90 61-70 Brazil
Utrecht University 81-90 81-90 Netherlands
Yonsei University 81-90 - South Korea
University of Arizona 91-100 - US
University of Florida 91-100 81-90 US
London Business School 91-100 - UK
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 91-100 - UK
Nanyang Technological University 91-100 71-80 Singapore
University of New South Wales 91-100 81-90 Australia
Université Pierre et Marie Curie 91-100 81-90 France
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey 91-100 81-90 US
RWTH Aachen University 91-100 - Germany
Technion Israel Institute of Technology 91-100 - Israel





아래 내용은 각 국가별로

세계대학랭킹 100순위에 몇개의 대학이 자리를 차지하고 있는지에 대한 자료입니다.


1위는 미국으로 40여 개가 넘는 대학이 100위안에 들었고

그 다음으로는 영국에 있는 대학이 약 10여개로 2위를 차지했네요~

자세한 내용은 아래를 참조해 주세요~






세계대학랭킹100에 관련된 자료는 아래 주소에 있는 내용을 참조했습니다~
